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“O my beloved Penelope
Let your arms envelope me
Your cleavage tattoo is so sexy
And your hair’s like Dumbing of Age’s Becky
She’s a lesbian, no doubt
And so am I, as it turns out

“I’m sorry I called you a sexual Mengele
I deserve to be eaten by a Bengal, yeah
But I’d rather you eat me instead
And then we can at last be wed
Pretty sure that’s legal in this state
So take me back, now don’t you wait…”


(I apologize profusely for the above. v__v )

I had to go back and check to see if you had carefully hidden all gender pronouns, and you had.

Not that Chris’s appearance in this panel definitively defines sex and/or gender.

I think it’s a sign of the times that I was more surprised that you had maneuvered to make a surprise reveal than I was surprised at the actual reveal. Gender and identity issues are so thoroughly gone over in other webcomics (and their forums) now that there’s no way to be startled any more.

Considering close to 80% (exaggeration) of all webcomic characters are either gay, trans or bi, it’s more of a shock when there aren’t such characters. Gender issues have been so thoroughly beaten over the head in the webcomic realm it’s no longer a useful place to seek any meaningful insight.

Huh. Surprising to me man. I guess the name threw me off. Penny dating a girl isn’t a big deal so much, but Chris just tends to be used as a guys name I guess. Cool reveal though. Girl is stylish, I gotta say 🙂

Every Chris I know is a woman.

Granted, that’s a total sample of 2, but I know two Christines, no Christophers.

We are both fans of this and El Goonish Shive. We should be friends.

Disregarding that, I know maybe five people named Christopher, and one girl named Christina, who does not go by Chris. So either society is affecting my perceptions, or my personal experiences are. Either way, this update was a fun surprise.

Believe me, I’m not trying to make any kind of statement. It’s just a reveal that plays on assumptions people make when left to their own devices. Or something, I dunno. Point is, don’t expect for this to turn into a big deal, because it’s kind of the point that it’s not.

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